Flip-flops and sandals seem perfect for a beach vacation, but they could be a better idea on a plane. Planes are not known for their pristine floors, and encountering spilled drinks or unknown substances is possible.
This one’s a no-brainer. Shirts plastered with expletive or offensive imagery are a quick way to get flagged by security or even denied boarding.
Frequent flyers know legroom is a battleground. But beyond seat choice, your trousers make a big difference in how comfortable your flight is.
That heavy winter coat might be necessary for your destination, but it’s a nuisance on a plane. Cabin areas tend to get warm, especially with limited ventilation.
One accessory you should reconsider for your next flight is chunky jewelry. While small earrings or necklaces usually sail through security without a hitch, those bold statement pieces can set off metal detectors and slow down the security line.
We all love comfort, but there’s a line between cozy and inappropriate, especially at airports. While pajamas might seem like the ultimate comfy outfit, they’re best left for the bedroom.
Dry cabin air can irritate your eyes, especially when wearing contact lenses. Consider switching to eyeglasses for long flights to avoid dry, itchy eyes.
Are you dreaming of a beach getaway? While packing your swimsuit is a must, ditch the shorts and tank top for your flight. Airliners see a lot of traffic, and those seats don’t get deep cleaned between every flight.
A spritz of perfume might seem like a good idea, but strong scents can be a nightmare for fellow passengers. Since the area is small, fragrance can easily trigger allergies or headaches.
Airports are notorious for delays. Imagine sprinting to catch a connecting flight or waiting hours for a rescheduled one—all in uncomfortable heels! High heels can slow down evacuations and potentially damage emergency slides.