Black Pudding

This blood sausage is a breakfast favorite in the UK and Ireland and is readily available in Canada. However, the U.S. prohibits importing any food products made with animal blood.

Foie Gras

The sale of foie gras, a luxury food made from the liver of a fattened duck or goose, is legal in Canada.


This traditional Scottish dish made with sheep's heart, liver, and lungs is available in Canada but is banned from being imported into the U.S. Since 1971.

Shark Fins

Congress reintroduced the bipartisan Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act (H.R. 2811/S. 1106), which would ban the trade of shark fins in the United States,” according to Oceana USA.

Beluga Caviar

Caviar lovers in Canada can still enjoy beluga sturgeon caviar, but it's no longer available in the U.S. Since 2005, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has banned beluga caviar imports due to overfishing concerns.

Sassafras Oil

Once used in root beer, Sassafras oil is extracted from the Sassafras tree. But safrole, the main component of sassafras oil, was banned by the FDA in 1960 as a potential carcinogen.

Pig's Blood Cake

A popular Taiwanese street food, pig’s blood cake can be found in some Asian markets in Canada. However, the USDA prohibits importing food products made with animal blood, so pig's blood cake is a no-go in the U.S. Pity because it's a bloody good snack

Mirabelle Plums

These small, sweet plums are grown in Lorraine, France, and are a popular treat in Canada. But mirabelle plums are banned from being imported into the U.S. due to agricultural restrictions.

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