A Trainer's #1 Daily Interval Walking Workout for Weight Loss

Yellow Leaves

Daily Interval Walking Workout This daily interval walking workout incorporates seven exercises designed to maximize calorie burn

Exercise 1: Warm-Up Walk   Maintain this pace for 5 minutes to gradually increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.

Exercise 2: Brisk Walk  After your warm-up, pick up the pace to a brisk walk.

Exercise 3: Speed Walk Maintain this pace for 1 minute, focusing on quick, powerful strides.

Exercise 4: Recovery Walk Walk at this pace for 2 minutes to catch your breath and prepare for the next interval.

Exercise 5: Incline Walk Walk up the incline at a brisk pace for 2 minutes.

Exercise 6: High-Knee Walk Walk at a brisk pace, lifting your knees high towards your chest with each step.

Exercise 7: Cool-Down Walk Slow down to a comfortable, easy walking pace.

